I do not change in any way WHAT drops, all i change is how i “see” it I dont change what drops at all, it still drops… i can still even pick it up if i click directly on the model of the item, as its still on the ground but i wont see the “words” appear when i hold down alt

Made it so past lvl 30 i only show greater/super healing/mana pots, and i can shorten the name to just say “!H” or “!M” so it doesn’t take up so much screen space I can tell how many sockets an item has before i pick it up and i can hide items that arn’t a specific amount of sockets, i can hide “magic crustal swords” in hell mode. If i want a specific item to be more visible " i can change the color of it" i can change the name of it. If i don’t want “arrows” or throwing potions to appear past when my character is lvl past 10 i hide them, This is not how loot filters work at all, loot filter does not in any way CHANGE what drops… it FILTERS what you SEE. It wouldn’t be avoidable as it gives a clear advantage to those that use it. Using it would be an auto if you were farming for one item. If you can loot filter, then (random item) is no longer rare. If they do this, it messes with the core game. Example of a loot filter, and why they should be added